CM Punk Teases His Next UFC Fight, Reby Hardy Comments On The Broken Universe Trademarks

cm punk

CM Punk’s first fight in UFC didn’t go so well for him as Mickey Gall defeated him in 2 minutes and 45 seconds.

However, CM Punk has been training for his next fight, and Dana White recently confirmed that he will be giving the former WWE Champion a shot at redemption in UFC.

Now that it’s been confirmed Punk will be fighting in UFC again at some point, everyone’s wondering who he will fight, and when his next bout will take place.

It looks like Punk is interested in fighting in his home city of Chicago as UFC 225 on June 9, as he responded to the official announcement with the following:

For most of 2017, The Hardys were in a battle with Impact Wrestling over the rights to the Broken Universe, but the war is over now.

Impact Wrestling recently changed their policy regarding intellectual property rights related to gimmicks, and a few days ago Matt Hardy officially acquired the trademarks to the Broken Universe.

The battle between the two parties got a little rough on social media last year, and Reby Hardy fought hard through the whole thing.

Reby recently commented on the trademarks when she posted the following:


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