Christopher Daniels Talks About WCW And The TNA World Title


TNA wrestler Christopher Daniels recently spoke with The Sport Courier. Here are some of the highlights from the interview.

Him being around for the death of WCW:

“Yeah. I mean you can’t really… I was sitting at home collecting a paycheck for the last three months of the company. That had nothing to do with me. It was their decision. Actually both times I was under contract with WCW they didn’t use me very often. They never really had a spot for me creatively, and I just sort of fell through the cracks.”

Continuing career after WWE bought WCW and ECW died:

“I just figured there was going to be something that came along. Part of it was I didn’t really have anything that I wanted to fall back on and I was still successful. I was staying busy and earning my living as a professional wrestler, as crazy as that sounds. In the mid 90s, eh, I’d say 98-99, when I became sort of a full time professional wrestler vs. wrestling on the weekends and having a full time job, I was doing well with my independent schedule in the United States and going overseas to Japan. I was earning a very good living. When WCW closed, when ECW closed even, I never had any sort of relationship that lasted very long, just because those two places closed…there were still plenty of opportunities for me, as a professional wrestler, to earn a living, It may not have been a living that was on a very well lit stage, but I was still earning my money and that really was the bottom line, for me, getting into professional wrestling. I always said my goal was to make a living doing what I wanted to do. Since the middle of 1999 that’s what I’ve been fortunate enough to do.”

TNA World Heavyweight Championship:

“I feel like, despite the fact that Frankie and I are the best tag team in the business, we still have our singles goals. We just know that we don’t have to give up our tag team to become singles champions. It’s just a matter of an opportunity. Right now with all the focus being put on this title tournament, guys like Bobby Roode, James Storm, Kurt Angle’s still in the mix, Jeff Hardy’s still in the mix. These guys are fighting for the opportunity to become the new TNA World Champion. After that happens, whoever ends up winning the tournament, they’re going to find a list of guys ready to become World Champion if the opportunity arises, and two of those handsome men are Frankie Kazarian and this guy.”

You can watch the full interview “>here


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