Christian Reveals His Reaction To Finding Out He Had To Retire


Christian managed to accomplish a lot throughout his wrestling career, but a few years ago his career came to an end when he was told that he would not be cleared to compete after suffering an injury.

The former WWE World Heavyweight Champion recently opened up about his retirement on the After The Bell podcast, and he admitted that it was a bitter pill to swallow.

“It’s a bitter pill to swallow. It’s taken out of your hands. You don’t have a say in it. Medically, you’re not cleared to compete. You’re on a non-contact list. It was a bit shocking, but in a weird sense I was almost kind of expecting it when it happened. So when I talked to the doctors and said hey, it’s like any prize fighter. You can have a chin made of granite and get hit a ton of times and nothing happens, but that one time you get a bad, it’s never quite the same. It’s easier to get them after. So at this point, it’s not a question of if you’re gonna get another one, it’s when.”

A few years ago Daniel Bryan returned from a career ending injury and has since gone on to have another successful run with WWE. However, Christian explained why he’s in a different situation compared to Daniel Bryan.

“People talk to me about Daniel Bryan coming back. They said, ‘hey, if he can do it,’ and I said, well, first of all, we’re in different situations. He’s 10 years younger than me. I was 40 years old when this happened or about to turn 40. I wasn’t 30. If I was 30, maybe I would have a different mindset about, but like you said, I accomplished a lot of things. Basically, the only thing I never accomplished was main eventing WrestleMania, and let’s be honest, how many people actually get a chance to do that, but I kind of over-achieved in a sense. I did more than maybe I was projected to do. So I was content with the things I had accomplished. At that age, I never envisioned myself as the guy that hung on for too long also, so I didn’t want to get in that territory either.”

Christian’s perspective on Edge’s incredible return: WWE After the Bell, May 14, 2020

H/T Wrestling Inc.


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