Chris Jericho Takes A Shot At MJF For Being Unhappy In AEW?

chris jericho

It’s been reported for some time now that MJF is unhappy with his contract status in AEW, and Maxwell Jacob Friedman has been openly stating that he would be interested in jumping to WWE in the future.

On Wednesday night MJF aired his grievances on Dynamite when he unleashed a scathing promo on Tony Khan. MJF criticized Khan for hoarding money and giving it to ex-WWE guys. He also told Khan that he should be behind the barricade before calling the AEW President a “f**king mark.”

Chris Jericho seemingly referenced the situation with Tony Khan and MJF when he posted the following tweet encouraging certain talents to go elsewhere if they feel under compensated:

“For the record @AEW is the best sports entertainment company I’ve ever worked for & @TonyKhan is the best boss I’ve done business with. If certain talents feel they’re under compensated, maybe ur not as good as u think u are. Go elsewhere PLEASE. You’ll be begging to come back!”

There’s been a lot of talk about whether or not the situation with Tony Khan and MJF is a work, and you can get more on the backstage reaction in AEW here.


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