Chris Jericho Explains Why He’s Done With The List Of Jericho

chris jericho

It’s been a while since fans have seen Chris Jericho make an appearance on WWE programming, but many fans seem to agree that his last run with the company was his best.

The Gift of Jericho was the gift that kept on giving, and when the List of Jericho was introduced fans quickly latched on to the idea.

But Jericho recently confirmed he’s completely done with the List of Jericho, and he explained to Alicia Atout why he won’t be bringing the infamous list back if he returns to WWE.

“I hate to say it, but if I go back to WWE there won’t be a list. It doesn’t feel right anymore. You have to [reinvent yourself], so for me to walk out there and put someone on a list again, it just feels like “Oh, that’s so 2016.” It was a huge thing, people want to see it, but I can’t allow myself to not be creative, and that’s why I love working in New Japan.”

The first ever Undisputed Champion went on to talk about why he thinks his big return in 2007 fell flat, and he also talked about why he feels the need to constantly evolve.

“When I came back in 2007, with the short haired Y2J, it didn’t fit. There was a bit of a disconnect. I had been gone for two years, I didn’t look like the same guy, and going back there with the same catchphrases felt stale. I knew it wasn’t working, so that’s why I switched from long pants to tights, got rid of the countdown, started wearing the suit and tie, all that sort of stuff. It’s all part of the process of not wanting to be a nostalgia act.”

“You’ll never be more over doing something the second time as you did the first. You can be DX until the cows come home, but you’ll never be as over as in 1997, so why do that? Do something new. Just using that as an example. That’s why I always change.”

Are you sad that the List of Jericho is seemingly gone forever, or are you looking forward to seeing what else Jericho might come up with if he returns to WWE? Sound off in the comments below.

H/T to WrestleZone for the transcription.


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