Carmella’s Reaction When She Heard About Big Cass’ Knee Injury


Carmella and Big Cass have been together since their NXT days. The Princess Of Staten Island was actually paired up with Enzo and Big Cass back in the day after they got her kayfabe fired from a dog groomer job. She accidentally spilled some hair dissolving solution on a poodle when it was intended for Sylvester Lefort after he lost a Hair vs Hair match against Enzo Amore.

It might sound confusing but it shouldn’t be because pro wrestling is so much fun. But what’s not a good time is all the risk Superstars put themselves through on a nightly basis.

When Big Cass obliterated his ACL the night after SummerSlam this year it was an awful moment for both Cass and Carmella. Natalya was actually with Carmella when the incident went down and she remembers it vividly.

Natalya told TV Insider about the ordeal and how professional Carmella stayed through it all. The Queen Of Harts put Carmella over for being so mature and focused throughout an extremely tragic set of circumstances.

“I was with Carmella and was literally going through the curtain with her at a live event when she got the news [fiancé] Big Cass blew out his knee. She was so scared and upset, seconds away from going out to perform. She was such a professional and focused on the match. I don’t know if I could have done that, and I’ve been wrestling since I was 18. A true pro.”

Natalya was actually doing the interview in order to promote the seventh season of Total Divas which will feature both Carmella and Big Cass. If Big Cass’ injury is featured in the next season things could get rather interesting.

Big Cass isn’t expected back in action for quite some time. The usual recovery time for an injury like Big Cass has is about nine months. That timetable will most likely keep him out of WrestleMania which is devastating to his young career.

But in spite of all the chaos and frustration surrounding her, Carmella was apparently able to maintain the poise of a true pro. There’s a reason why she’s Miss Money In The Bank, after all.

An injured Big Cass leaves Raw on crutches: Raw Fallout, Aug. 21, 2017


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