Earlier this year Swerve Strickland defeated Samoa Joe to win the AEW World Championship for the first time in his career. Since then Swerve has taken on all comers, but he faced arguably his biggest challenge yet at All In when he defended the AEW World Championship against Bryan Danielson.

Bryan Danielson earned a shot at the AEW World Championship when he won the Owen Hart Cup last month and Bryan declared ahead of All In that if he failed to defeat Swerve Strickland then he would never wrestle again. As Bryan Danielson made his entrance he stopped at the barricade to greet his wife Brie Garcia and his kids who were sitting at ringside.

Swerve Strickland dominated the match early on as Byran struggled to get the upper hand. At one point Prince Nana put the ring bell on the apron and Swerve dropped Danielson onto the ring bell head first. Bryan was busted open, but he made it back into the ring before the referee counted him out.

As Bryan was struggling to stand Swerve dragged him out to the barricade and beat him down in front of his family. Bryan tried to make a comeback as he charged at Swerve and hit him with several kicks in the corner, but Swerve countered with a Flatliner. Danielson hit Swerve with a series of roundhouse kicks as the fans screamed “YES!”

Bryan delivered a Super Tiger Suplex to Swerve from the top, but Swerve kicked out at two. Danielson tried to lock in a submission only for Swerve to counter by dropping him on his head once again. AEW medical officials tried to check on Danielson, but Swerve scared them off. Swerve connected with the double foot stomp off the top rope for a two count.

Strickland hit the House Call twice. He looked frustrated as he struggled to put Bryan away. The fans chanted “let’s go Bryan” as the challenger reached out to his family. Swerve hit him with a third House Call and the crowd went wild when Bryan kicked out.

Swerve hit Bryan with a series of roundhouse kicks, but Bryan no sold them and powered up as he looked at his family and told them he loves them. He countered with kicks on Swerve as the fans shouted “YES!”

Bryan connected with the running knee. Swerve fell into the corner then brushed off his shoulders as he no sold the move. Swerve hit another House Call. He picked up Bryan and stared his family down then delivered Big Pressure. Bryan kicked out and Swerve was shocked. The fans responded by chanting “let’s go Bryan!”

Swerve put his hands up to do the “YES!” gesture, but the fans responded by yelling “NO!” Adam Page came through the crowd and tried to get at Swerve while security held him back and removed him from the ringside area.

As Swerve was distracted he turned around into a running knee from Bryan. However, the champion kicked out at two. Bryan hit another running knee then stood up again and waited for Swerve as he prepared to hit the move again.

Bryan connected and Swerve’s head bounced off the turnbuckle. Danielson put Swerve in the Lebell Lock and Swerve tapped out. After the match PAC, Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta came out to celebrate as Bryan stood in the ring with his family.