Bret Hart Says This Year’s WrestleMania Card Is The Worst WrestleMania Card In History


Bret Hart recently spoke to Total Wrestling Magazine about Roman Reigns, WrestleMania 32 and more. During the interview Bret revealed that he’s not a fan of this year’s WrestleMania card and even went as far as to call it the worst card ever.

“I’m just being honest and I have to say that this year’s Wrestlemania card is the worst Wrestlemania card in history. I won’t be watching it, I couldn’t care less about it. The characters mean nothing, the titles mean nothing. I’m embarrassed by it.”

Bret also said that he thinks this year’s card is suffering from a huge case of nepotism. He pointed out how Vince McMahon’s son is going to be in the main event, and how Vince McMahon’s son-in-law is the current WWE Champion. He joked that he’s surprised Linda McMahon isn’t in the WWE Divas Championship match. He also expressed some frustration over the fact that the part time guys seem to be getting all of the the marquee spots this year.

“Then you have guys like Undertaker and Brock Lesnar who only wrestle a few times a year featuring prominently on the card while guys like Cody Rhodes, the guys who are on the road every day slogging it out, toughing it out, getting injured essentially pulling the wagon, those guys get tucked away in a multi-man match at the bottom of the card or pre show. They’ll get some chump change for a pay-off and it makes me think that this wrestling business isn’t about the wrestlers anymore, it’s about all the bulls**t.”

You can check out the full interview here. What do you guys think, do you agree with Bret Hart? Is this year’s WrestleMania card the worst WrestleMania card in history? Sound off in the comments below.


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