Bray Wyatt Responds To Broken Matt Hardy’s Invite To Total Nonstop Deletion

broken matt hardy

Total Nonstop Deletion is set to air Thursday night on POP TV, and Broken Matt Hardy has invited teams from all of space and time to compete in Tag Team Apocalypto. Hardy recently formally invited some of WWE’s biggest tag teams such as the Family of Wyatts, the X-Degnerates and the Connection of Rock and Sock to join the match. Bray Wyatt has responded to Broken Matt Hardy’s invite, and you can see what he had to say below.

Broken Matt Hardy’s “Broken Brilliance” started getting a lot of attention from wrestling fans earlier this year thanks to The Final Deletion. Shortly after The Final Deletion aired WWE aired a segment on Raw where The New Day traveled to The Wyatt Family compound to do battle.

Related: Broken Matt Hardy Formally Invites, DX, Batista, The Rock & Sock Connection And More To Total Nonstop Deletion

The Wyatt Family segment on Raw was criticized by fans for being too similar to The Final Deletion, and Bray Wyatt responded to the backlash by saying that without him perhaps there wouldn’t be any “broken” stars in the wrestling world.

Broken Matt Hardy hasn’t been shy about acknowledging stars from other companies over the past few months, and he made it clear during an interview with Sports Illustrated that he would like to face Bray Wyatt someday.

“I actually find fondness and appreciation for the Bray Wyatt,” said Hardy. “I see that he is driven by a higher power, much like I am driven and motivated and inspired and given strength by the Seven Deities. I respect how he doesn’t walk the normal path, he carves his own. I would love, one day down that road, to show up in WWE and have a match with the Bray Wyatt. I would love to bring him to my battlefield and delete him–that would be my honor.”

Broken Matt Hardy has confirmed that his TNA contract is up in February, so it should be interesting to see what he does and/or where he goes once his contract expires.


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