Braun Strowman’s WrestleMania Mystery Partner Could Be An Obvious Choice

braun strowman

Braun Strowman is a pretty impressive human being. Not only has he dominated the singles division on Raw since breaking off from the Wyatt Family, but he also defeated the entire tag team division as well when he won a battle royal to become the #1 contender for the Raw Tag Team Championships.

But Braun Strowman needs a partner and it can’t be his twin brother Brains either. Kurt Angle said so, therefore Strowman needs to find someone he can tag with on the Grandest Stage Of Them All.

Bryan Alvarez opened up about this on Wrestling Observer Live where he proposed who is the most likely candidate for Strowman’s Mania tag team partner. A lot of people have kicked around some crazy ideas about who might be Strowman’s partner but it turns out the answer could have been much more obvious all along.

“I don’t think it’s gonna be Lars [Sullivan] although it should be because that would be an awesome team. I don’t think it’s gonna be [James] Ellsworth, I mean it would be funny but it makes no sense at all.”

“I mean, the likelihood is that it’s gonna be The Big Show… I thought it was gonna be The Drifter, but I think they’re linking him with The Rock on Sunday.”

Although it’s still up in the air at this point, logic would point to The Big Show as Braun Strowman’s mystery partner. It was pointed out that since Braun put Big Show out of commission like he did by launching him through the side of a solid steel cage, then it would be a nice way to follow-up with that story.

The Big Show is also looking great and in the best shape of his career. He recently signed a new multi-year contract and has a lot more he can do in the ring. If Braun and Big Show were paired up with each other it might be worth it just so The Monster Among Men can make towns alongside The Giant and learn everything he can in the process.

Braun Strowman is a sponge and soaks up everything he can when it comes to stepping up his game and making himself a Superstar in WWE. This is only the beginning for Strowman in regards to his career and barring any injury, Braun will be giving people his hands for years to come.

Therefore, Strowman’s mystery partner at WrestleMania doesn’t need to be anyone earth-shattering because The Big Show could fill that spot perfectly if that’s the way Vince McMahon decides to go with things.

If you use any portion of the quotes in this article please credit Wrestling Observer Live with a H/T to Still Real To Us for the transcription


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