Big Show Reveals When His In-Ring Career Will End

big show

The Big Show has recently been given somewhat of a push by WWE ahead of WrestleMania, after an incredible amount of determination saw him lose 70lbs ahead of his return to action recently.

It was thought that this was to set up a match with Shaquille O’Neal at WrestleMania next month, a match that is still very much up in the air, given that there is now speculation that the match could still happen.

Many of the WWE Universe thought that this could be the final match for Big Show and that he would walk away from WWE afterward. That may not be the case, but it could well be his final match at WrestleMania, since Big Show revealed in a recent interview with Yahoo Sports that his current WWE contract ends in February next year.

“I know I’m done February 2018. That’s when my contract ends as a full-time, live event guy. We’ll see what happens after that, whether I roll into an ambassador role or what WWE has for me. I know I’ve been with them for a long time and I have a great relationship with them. I also understand there’s a time for me to step aside and for other guys to step up. We got a lot of great new athletic talent that will probably be coming up at WrestleMania to be introduced.

“I don’t have any regrets or any shoulda, coulda, wouldas in my career. I’ve had a very blessed career with the greatest superstars this business has ever seen. And for me, it’s about giving that space up to those guys that are there to do it and me finding new challenges to help inspire and motivate me. That’s what I’ll be doing. Anything to keep from having to get a real job.”

Big Show could still have a match at WrestleMania, the company made him look strong at Fastlane and it is thought that this wouldn’t be wasted, but it will be interesting to see who his potential final opponent on the Grandest Stage Of Them All will be.


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