Braun Strowman was not a happy camper on last week’s Raw. He walked around backstage terrorizing WWE superstars all night. Braun beat down R-Truth and Goldust in the hallway (if only he would have gone up the hall a little more he would have met Elias Samson and put an end to his guitar playing like he was John Belushi in Animal House).

Later on, Braun continued his backstage destruction spree by throwing Kalisto in a dumpster. Finally, Braun Strowman met his match in the form of The Big Show. The two later competed in a stellar match that literally tore the ring down. You can see a sweet video of Big Show’s ring-breaking trilogy here (it’s totally worth it).

Needless to say, Kalisto wasn’t too pleased about being tossed in a dumpster. The former NXT Tag Team Champion had a rather bold challenge for The Monster Among Men. The match he proposed had an interesting stipulation that the WWE Universe hasn’t seen in quite some time. It also fell in line with what Braun did to Kalisto on Raw, or should we say where he put Kalisto during Raw.

Yup, Kaliso challenged Braun Strowman to a dumpster match and WWE booked it. Thanks, Kurt Angle!

Big E Langston offered some very wise words of wisdom to Kalisto after he made the challenge to Braun. Big E is a holy man for someone who does so many booty-related jokes as he offered up a thoughtful prayer on Kalisto’s behalf.

It’s almost ironic WWE booked a dumpster match on Earth Day too, just saying.

This whole dumpster match situation can end in several ways. It could just be a squash match to further demonstrate Braun Strowman’s dominance on Raw. It could also be a surprising chance for Kalisto to pull off a David and Goliath type victory. But the smart money is probably on Roman Reigns getting involved at some point.

Regardless of how the match turns out for Kalisto, it’s still good to know Big E will be praying for him.