becky lynch

WWE Superstars have developed a nice reputation of showing up at sporting events and assaulting mascots. It’s not something they probably do on purpose, but whenever a WWE Superstar shows up and someone calling the shots at the game has a bright idea of them doing a spot with someone on the court, who better to take the bump than someone wearing a plushy costume?

Becky Lynch showed up at the Los Angeles Clippers game on Saturday night and as you can see here, the Clippers’ mascot Chuck The Condor thought he would take his chances with The Lass Kicker.

It’s a really good thing Lynch’s real-life MMA boyfriend Luke Sanders wasn’t in the crowd. But Becky Lynch can take care of herself from the looks of things.

Chuck The Condor went “a-courtin'” at courtside and as you can see it didn’t turn out too well for him. He received a nice slap in the beak which sent him flying back to his nest feeling rejected and unloved. Who thought the hometown crowd would enjoy seeing their team’s mascot get rejected in such a way?

But in reality, Chuck got off much easier than the Houston Rockets’ mascot did when he upset The World’s Strongest Man, Mark Henry. Becky Lynch didn’t have a chair at her disposal to whack The Clippers’ mascot, but it’s pretty clear he learned a valuable lesson nonetheless.

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Aaron Varble hasn’t just been writing for more than a decade in various formats including sketch comedy, stand up, television, radio, and other various projects; nor is he just another professional wrestling fan with a master's degree in journalism and Tourette’s syndrome. He's always looking to explore the why not with the why and the how come along with the how. Follow on Twitter @TheVarble