Batista Says There’s Only Person He Would Return To Face In WWE


Chris Jericho has a way of interviewing someone that puts them at ease. Guests open up and really let it go with Y2J. He recently had Dave Batista on Talk Is Jericho and he didn’t hold anything back.

Batista spoke about his acting career and how he initially didn’t want to get typecasted. But he feels he has established himself as a legitimate actor so he’s going after the kind of roles people expect to see him in. Batista said he’s trying to get those blockbuster movie roles like The Rock. He also wants to get into indie films that interest him.

He said Guardians Of The Galaxy will always be his bread and butter and Marvel is very good to him. So he’s always got Drax The Destroyer to fall back on if he needs to. He has a favorite stunt double and now the two are booked as a package deal. It wasn’t Batista getting set on fire in the latest Bond film, that’s for sure.

Batista has had a great film career so far to match his impressive career with WWE. Batista said he misses wrestling a lot. “There’s just an adrenaline rush that goes along with it. What I don’t miss is the company. To be honest with you I don’t miss WWE. I miss wrestling, I just don’t miss dealing with the company […] it’s just too much bulls—.”

Jericho expressed surprise WWE wouldn’t cater to whatever Batista wants in order to get him to come back. “I’ve asked for what I want — I’ll tell you, I’ve talked to Hunter about it and I’ve talked to Vince about it. And I said I would come back and run a whole program with Hunter. That’s the only thing I’m interested in doing. You know, they’re just not interested.”

When Jericho asked if there was anyone else Batista would want to work with, he said no. “At this point, no [I wouldn’t want to work with anyone else] because it would be like my retirement thing. It would be what I go out on. I’d come back and I’d do it, a whole program and I’d be done. But that’s how I’d want to go out. Because we have this history together and there’s so much history built in and there’s an easy story to be told […] I’ve asked, I’ve asked. But at this point, I’m tired of asking.”

Batista said he hasn’t talked to Vince about coming back for a while now. But at this point, his calendar books up so quickly it would be hard for him to fit in a WWE return. He said he’s booked for the next year and a half. So, he doesn’t know if another WWE run will ever happen. But we can all agree it would be a big money match if they made it work for sure.

If you use any portion of the quotes in this article, please credit Talk Is Jericho with a H/T to Still Real To Us for the transcription.


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