Backstage Reaction To Vince McMahon Selling The Stunner

vince mcmahon

The Stone Cold Stunner is without a doubt one of the most iconic finishing moves of all time. Steve Austin has put away many opponents using the Stunner and some of them have done a tremendous job when it comes to selling the move. However, no one takes the Stunner like Vince McMahon as Vince’s reaction to the move has become infamous over the years.

Steve Austin stunned Vince McMahon for the first time in 1997, and during a recent episode of his Grilling JR podcast Jim Ross recalled Vince getting ribbed after taking the move.

“He got ribbed unmercifully. I can always say I didn’t take the ugliest Stunner. Hey look, I admire the fact that he did it, and he kind of humbled himself by becoming a wrestler to some degree. He became Austin’s nemesis, and the nemesis went beyond normal when you have the president and owner of the company put to get physical and you catch him with your finish. Vince sold the hell out of it.”

“The audience popped big time for it, and you knew we were off to something big because there’s no way that the owner of the company, with this ego and so forth as a heel, is going to – it wasn’t going to be the last time we heard from Vince based on what Austin did to him. I thought the Stunner was a way to launch the Austin/McMahon scenario because nothing in the Attitude Era, in my view, came close to comparing to that angle, that marriage, that booking. Vince was perfect in that role.”

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