Backstage News On Plans For The WWE Women’s Division, Daniel Bryan Meets CWC Competitors


The WWE brand split will be returning in a few weeks and SmackDown will be going live on July 19th. There are still a lot of questions to be answered, and one of the things that fans have been wondering about is the status of the WWE Women’s division.

With the upcoming brand split Raw and SmackDown will each have their own unique rosters and it was rumored at one point that WWE was considering making the Women’s division exclusive to one brand. It’s now being reported by the Wrestling Observer Newsletter that the female talent will not be exclusive to one brand and the Women’s division will be featured on both Raw and SmackDown.

Daniel Bryan has been on location at the WWE Performance Center with the Cruiserweight Classic participants as they train and get ready for the tournament. Bryan will be co-hosting the event with SmackDown’s play-by-play announcer Mauro Ranallo.

During his time at the Performance Center WWE asked Daniel Bryan who he wanted to see win the tournament and you can see who he picked as the winner here. He’s also been meeting with various talents, both CWC competitors and WWE talent at the Performance Center and WWE has captured all of the awesome encounters on camera. You can check them out in the clip below.

Daniel Bryan meets the Cruiserweight Classic competitors: June 22, 2016



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