The Monday Night Raw commentary team was recently switched up during the WWE Draft, and it currently consists of Vic Joseph, Dio Maddin and Jerry Lawler.

However, Dio Maddin hasn’t been on the show for a few weeks after he was attacked by current WWE Champion Brock Lesnar.

The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that Dio Maddin is being kept off TV so that he can sell the beating that was delivered to him at the hands of The Beast.

Samoa Joe has been out of action for a little while now due to a broken thumb, but this week Joe surprised the fans when he joined the Monday Night Raw commentary team.

It’s being reported that Dio Maddin still has the spot at the commentary table, even though he was outperformed by Samoa Joe this week.

It’s also being said that everyone recognized how good Samoa Joe was this week, and the general feeling is that Lawler has been better than expected and his experience has been helping Vic Joseph get into the right rhythm. The only push in direction as far as Lawler is concerned has been for him to stay away from dated cultural references since WWE is trying to target a younger audience with Raw.