WWE has gone through some major changes over the last few months, but it seems that most people are reacting well to the new regime that is currently in charge of the company.

PWInsider is reporting that the new regime has energized the locker room and production team and that the average energy at WWE HQ in Stamford is much different because there’s been a better balance when it comes to employees having a life outside the company. It’s being said that under Vince McMahon there was a fear that if employees put their life ahead of the company then it would could back to bite them.

Before there was a feeling of “keep your head down” and if the boss worked insane hours that likely meant you would have to as well. Under Nick Khan, Paul Levesque and Stephanie McMahon stress has lessened for WWE employees and there’s a far better balance of work live vs. real life.

The feeling is that if people run into the new management team then they can have polite conversations with them about their personal lives as well as concerns about the company. One staffed while talking about the previous regime said, “running into Vince was like running into the T-Rex from Jurassic Park, you didn’t want to call attention to yourself.”

There’s reportedly room for the staff to breathe and enjoy their work while know that it doesn’t need to be their, “unending purpose in life.”

Under Triple H the WWE creative team is no longer “hurrying up to wait” on Vince McMahon meetings that start hours late and then focus on small details for long periods of time. The meetings are now more focused and streamlined and with the creative team not as “worn out by the grind” they can focus on creative pitches and more longer form ideas. The feeling is that they’re building a foundation for the future instead of reacting to Vince McMahon’s whims. There are rewrites but it’s not a type of situation where everything gets torn up and the creative team has to race agains the clock.