The Final Deletion was without a doubt one of the most unique things that TNA has ever done and it took a lot of people working together to make the magic happen.

The show was filmed on location at Matt Hardy’s house and according to, Jeremy Borash oversaw a small production crew that drove from Nashville to North Carolina to film The Final Deletion. It’s also being reported that Jeremy Borash was the main person responsible for the direction and editing of the segments.

Dixie Carter was also a driving force behind The Final Deletion as she wanted spoiler free content that wasn’t filmed in front of fans. TNA is apparently thrilled with the boost in viewership that Impact received on Tuesday.

Of course much of what made the segments so unique was Matt Hardy’s vision with his Broken Matt Hardy character. The birthday party setup was apparently the real setup that was used for his son Maxel’s birthday party and the drones that Jeff Hardy smashed were real jeff. There was also a lot of improvisation and material that didn’t make the final cut.

The referee was Kevin Keenan who The Hardy Boyz have worked with in WWE. He was reportedly brought in after Matt Hardy suggested him.

The star of the show, Senor Benjamin is actually Reby Sky’s father. Matt Hardy confirmed earlier on Twitter that Senor Benjamin has not been deleted.

Senor Benjamin has his very own t-shirt for sale now via ProWrestlingTees and you can purchase it by clicking here.