roman reigns

Roman Reigns has been the top star in WWE for years now and he’s spent the majority of his run at the top working as a babyface. The fans didn’t exactly embrace the idea of Roman’s babyface character as he was often booed in situations where WWE clearly wanted him to be cheered.

During an episode of FTR with Dax Harwood, Dax discussed the WWE formula for booking babyfaces while noting that for many years it worked when he said, “I think that we, for so long, have seen the WWE style of booking, where the babyface always prevails. More often than not, it has worked. It’s worked for Vince for years. More often than not, the babyface always prevails. He might have a slight hiccup for a week, but he always comes back.”

However, Dax also addressed the negative reaction that Roman Reigns was receiving as a face and he gave his take on why the fans rejected Reigns at the time.

“Look at how Roman was booked in 2018-2019. Always on top. No one ever felt worried for him, except for with Brock. But everybody feels worried when you’re working with Brock (laughs). But that’s kind of why the fans turned on him at the time. Nothing to his fault, they just had nothing to cheer. It’s kind of like the Superman effect. Superman does have kryptonite, but other than that, man, he’s bulletproof. He can beat the shit out of everybody. So that’s why the Batman movies make so much more money than the Superman movies, because there’s more for Batman to fight against.”