all elite wrestling

All Elite Wrestling has been putting on pay-per-views for some time now, and Kenny Omega vs. Jon Moxley has been one of the top feuds since the inception of the company.

Back in November Moxley and Omega faced off in an Unsanctioned Lights Out match at the Full Gear pay-per-view, and the event took place at the Royal Farms Arena in Baltimore, Maryland.

Now it’s been revealed that the Maryland State Athletic Commission has fined All Elite Wrestling $10,000 because of the match. The commission has determined that the match violated Maryland law and regulations pertaining to professional wrestling matches.

The Consent Order mentions that during the match Jon Moxley and Kenny Omega used “foreign objects including a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire, a broom with bristles wrapped in barbed wire, and a tool similar to an ice pick.”

The commission alleges that with the match AEW violated regulations including the Conduct of Wrestling Contest and Responsibility of Promoter. AEW has agreed to pay the fine within 30 days.

The order also mentions that prohibited activities which took place during the match include “Deliberately lacerating oneself or one’s opponent, or by any other means, introducing human or animal blood into the ring.”

The full Consent Order can be seen below.