Triple H On If NXT Could Leave The WWE Network


Over the last few years NXT has become a strong brand under the WWE umbrella, and it just seems to be getting bigger and bigger as time goes on.

WWE recently signed a huge television deal which will see SmackDown Live move to Fox, and since then fans have been wondering if NXT could end up moving beyond the WWE Network.

PWInsider recently asked Triple H about the possibility of NXT leaving the WWE Network, and he didn’t rule it out.

“As far as where NXT ends up, as that brand continues to grow, never say never, I guess. For the value of the Network, NXT is a valuable part of the WWE Network. Where it ends up, I don’t know. Obviously, that’s a decision that Vince [McMahon] will make and the team here will make strategically as to where everything sits, just as we do everything else in our ecosystem as far as where we put content. It’s a constantly challenging question for us. Good problem to have, right?”

NXT has certainly come a long way over the last few years, so there’s no telling what the future might hold, but then again the fact that NXT airs on the WWE Network seems to be one of the big selling points when it comes to the streaming service.



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