cm punk

Randy Orton has set a fire within the wrestling community after he threw some serious shade at the independent wrestling scene, and it seems that everyone has an opinion about what the current WWE Champion had to say. It all started when Randy Orton responded to a post from Rip Rogers criticizing independent wrestling.

Randy simply responded with the following:

The word “dive” has become quite popular on Twitter over the past few days, and Randy Orton has been fired up. Former WWE Tag Team Champion Bully Ray even felt his wrath.

After the controversy surrounding the original post got a little out of control, Orton decided to issue an “apology” which can be read below.

“Sorry to the Indy marks, Indy guys and old timers who do DIVES took offense….. just having a good time over a few drinks in Denmark closing the Smackdown Live tour….while beating Raw in making over 5 million dollars in the last 11 shows. Now I know to some that doesn’t equate to a standing room only crowd of 150 people paying $8 at an armory somewhere…. but in the big boy world that’s called putting asses in seats. So enjoy your flips, dives, and 20 superkicks per match. To each their own. I will go “dive” back into my 13th title run and get ready to “flip” when my bank statement comes this month. …………….headlock.”

The Young bucks were the first to comment and they graciously accepted the apology.

However, Will Ospreay just wasn’t sold.

Randy’s original tweet got a lot of people riled up, but Ricochet encouraged people to simply watch what they like.

CM Punk even decided to weigh in on the controversy when he responded to Ricochet’s words with the following:

How do you feel about Randy Orton’s comments? Sound off in the comments below.