austin aries

In case you don’t know yet, Austin Aries is going to WrestleMania. Aries earned the right to challenge Neville for the Cruiserweight Championship at WrestleMania 33 after he won a Fatal 5-Way elimination match on this week’s episode of 205 Live. Following his big victory, Aries took to Twitter to post the following message:

Austin Aries has had an exciting career full of ups and downs, and he’s worked very hard to make a name for himself. This year he’ll be competing at WrestleMania for the very first time.

The number 1 contender for the Cruiserweight Championship also posted a bit of a longer message on Instagram where he reflected on the path he walked to get to where he is.

“The paths we travel may all be different, but our desired destination is all the same. And when you finally arrive, you appreciate every twist, turn and obstacle you had to navigate to get there, and every person that helped you along the way.”

Johnny Mundo is one of the top stars in Lucha Underground, and today is a special day for the promotion because the first two seasons of their weekly show are now available on Netflix.

Mundo recently spoke to Scott Fishman of TV Insider and he noted that he believes Netflix will be a game-changer for Lucha Underground.

“What it means is purely speculation. Wrestling is about getting eyeballs on the product and putting butts in the seats. At its core, people watch wrestling and entertainment in general to feel an emotion. If people start watching Lucha Underground, which I know they will, they will feel something whether it’s happiness or in awe because of the hard-hitting, acrobatic lucha moves. They will then like Lucha more than any other wrestling show, which I know will happen because I feel it’s the most high quality show out there. It’s going to start claiming the spot of the number one wrestling show in the world. When that is going to happen? I don’t know, but it will.”

It’s official folks, Roman Reigns is going to face The Undertaker at WrestleMania 33. According to Roman Reigns he’s going to be the man that retires The Undertaker and we’re talking about whether or not it should happen on this week’s episode of Still Real Radio. You can check out the latest episode below and if you like what you hear, please subscribe to the show on iTunes.