Former WWE Diva Melina appeared spoke with Jim Ross on The Ross Report this week. The full interview can be heard at this link. Melina discussed her time with WWE, what she’s doing now, the WWE Divas locker room and lots more. She also addressed some of the rumors about her that have been around for years and how rumors spread in the wrestling business.

Melina talked about how she dated John Morrison, now known as Johnny Mundo in Lucha Underground, on-and-off for 11 years. Regarding rumors that Melina cheated on Morrison with Batista, she said that is not true and those rumors led to her split with Morrison. She talked about how people backstage would pick with her and be mean to her but Batista stuck up for her. This led to people assuming there was more to their friendship. Melina called Batista a great friend, a real life hero and said he was also bullied coming up through WWE.

Melina added that 10 years later the rumors still bother her sometimes and are still brought up by people.