TMZ reported recently that Randy Orton was receiving backlash from fans and other people on Twitter for posting a picture with a fan and calling her “Latino Ms. Piggy.”

The woman took a pic with the Legend Killer Sunday afternoon in Texas and then posted it online but Orton tweeted the same photo shortly after to his girlfriend with a pretty mean caption. 

“Look @kimklro I met the Latino Ms. Piggy today at the gym. I wish you were there to have a good laugh with me! #MsPig”


It turns out that the girl from the picture and Randy Orton’s girlfriend have had quite the beef before, leading to Orton blocking her on Twitter a while ago for sending harassing messages to his girlfriend.

The girl responded to Orton’s tweet saying, he was a total douche the whole time they were taking the photo.

So what do you think…was the Legend Killer justified in his response or did he go too far?