
Main roster call-ups are always exciting, but unfortunately they don’t work out for everyone. It seemed that EC3 was primed to do big things when he was called up. However, his run on the main roster ultimately didn’t amount to much.

At one point EC3 was making appearances on the talk show A Moment of Bliss which was hosted by Alexa Bliss herself. While talking about the endgame for the storyline EC3 told Sportskeeda Wrestling that there was no endgame.

“An endgame to a storyline that was written the day of and probably disregarded immediately after? There was no endgame. The only directions we had were, ‘Anytime EC3 tries to talk, cut him off.’ That was a big joke from the old man.”

The former WWE star went on to point out that WWE seemingly had no direction for his main roster call up when he added, “It was trash. This was something I waited my whole life for… I [felt] nothing. And that’s because I knew the call-up had no foresight, no interest, and it was completely rash.”

H/T Wrestling Inc.