cm punk

CM Punk spent many years working in the professional wrestling industry, and he managed to climb to the top of the business when he became WWE Champion and feuded with big names like The Rock and John Cena. But it’s been years since Punk has wrestled a match as he walked away from the business in 2014.

People within the wrestling community usually don’t respond well when professional wrestling is called fake, but it seems that CM Punk has changed his stance on the issue.

During a recent appearance on the Wrestling Perspective Podcast, CM Punk noted that nowadays he looks at wrestling as theater, and he calls it fake all the time.

“I very much look at wrestling nowadays as theater. There might have been a time when I might have been offended when somebody said that, right? It’s like calling it fake. There was probably a time when I’d get mad if somebody called it fake. Now I call it fake all the time.”

The former WWE Champion also explained why he feels professional wrestling lives in its own world, and he addressed people comparing “fake” wrestling to “fake” movies.

“People [who dislike wrestling being called “fake”] would use the argument like, ‘So are movies.’ My argument is, ‘Yeah, but Al Pacino didn’t go do pressers dressed as Scarface with his bulls*** accent trying to get you to believe that he was really a Cuban immigrant that built a cocaine empire.’ You know, yada yada yada.”

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