the revival

Last year it was reported that The Revival requested to be released from their contracts, and although WWE didn’t grant their release requests, and they’re still with the company, it doesn’t seem as if they have much interest in staying.

It was recently reported that they requested to be released again, and it’s believed that they also turned down new contract offers.

Booker T recently commented on how much money The Revival turned down on his Hall of Fame podcast, and he also offered the duo some advice.

“They turned down 700 thousand apiece, that’s a lot of money man. If I can give them any advice, I’d say take the money. If they came to me and said ‘Hey Book, we’re going to give you a million dollars a year, you ain’t going to win no titles, we’ll give you TV time, we’ll give you a 15 year contract,’ I’m gonna shut the hell up.”

It’s expected that The Revival’s contracts are set to expire in April, although it’s been reported that WWE added time to Dash Wilder’s contract due to the time he missed because of his broken jaw.

Do you think The Revival should sign new WWE contracts? Sound off in the comments below.

H/T Wrestling Inc.