6 Wrestlers Who Could Own The Role Of Sister Abigail If WWE Ever Introduces Her


Bray Wyatt has been talking about Sister Abigail for a long damn time, but who is Sister Abigail? We don’t know. We have no idea. We don’t even know if she ever really existed, if she still exists or if she’s simply a figment of Bray Wyatt’s sick and twisted imagination.

It’s been rumored several times over the years that WWE has considered introducing Sister Abigail as a on screen character. But obviously the logistics of introducing a Sister Abigail character are a complete nightmare. Bray has indicated through his promos that Sister Abigail is dead as he’s said in the past that he watched her take her final breath.

Let’s just be honest here, writing a Sister Abigail reveal based on the things that Bray has said about her in the past is going to be extremely difficult for anyone that takes on the task. But it’s not impossible because The Wyatt Family is unique and they can make just about anything work. After all The Wyatt Family did brainwash Daniel Bryan at one point and it’s not like wrestlers haven’t come back from the dead before.

How would it work? Could Bray brainwash one of the female wrestlers and convince them that they’re Sister Abigail? Could he use the magic powers he stole from The Undertaker in 2015? Does he still have those powers? Honestly, I don’t know. But we’re not here to talk about how to make it work, as that’s a topic for another time. Today we’re here to talk about who could play the role.

With that being said let’s just assume that WWE would go into it hoping that we’ll all forget everything Bray has said about Sister Abigail in the past because we all have short attention spans. Let’s not forget this is the company that booked a Kane vs Kane match only to never speak of it again. Now let’s get to it.


Mika Rotunda


Mika Rotunda is an obvious choice given that she’s actually the sister of Bray Wyatt and Bo Dallas. It would make sense to bring in someone who is familiar with the wrestling business and also Bray Wyatt’s brand of craziness.

It was reported back in July of 2015 that Mika had received a WWE tryout and according to Ric Flair she tried out to be a ring announcer. It looks like she has at least some interest in getting into wrestling but obviously taking on the role of Sister Abigail would be a huge commitment.

It remains to be seen if Mika Rotunda could pull off the role of Sister Abigail or if she would event want to try, but the wrestling gene certainly seems to run in her family so she’s got that going for her.


Alicia Fox

“Alicia Fox? Wait, you mean that chick from Team Bella? There’s no f**king way she could be Sister Abigail.” You said to yourself in your head once you saw the name Alicia Fox.

Ok before things get carried away here, let’s not forget that Alicia Fox has proved on several occasions that she can do crazy with the best of them.

See Exhibit A:

Alicia Fox has an epic meltdown!

A few years ago WWE let Alicia Fox go wild and it was working for a while. We got to see a side of Miss Foxy that we had never seen before and it was proof that there’s more to the performer than meets the eye.  Alicia Fox went crazy before and it was provocative, but she went crazy without a purpose and the gimmick quickly lost direction. Just think about how good her crazy gimmick could be if Bray Wyatt took her under his wing and helped her find her purpose.


Shelly Martinez

Photo: WWE
Photo: WWE

Shelly Martinez is no stranger to supernatural gimmicks. During her time in WWECW she played a character called Ariel who accompanied Kevin Thorn to the ring. Thorn was introduced as a vampire and Ariel was introduced as a Tarot reader and the whole thing was weird, but she pulled it off. Martinez proved with her run as Ariel that she can do dark and weird really well and she could be a nice addition to the Wyatt Family.



Photo: WWE
Photo: WWE

Paige seems like a pretty damn good choice based on looks alone. She’s dark, she’s charismatic and she’s proved that she can be evil when she needs to be. A few minor adjustments here and there and Paige would fit right in with The Wyatt Family.

Paige is a wrestler who has always commanded the spotlight, but wouldn’t it be cool to see her commend her own little army? With The Wyatt Family at her disposal nobody could touch Paige and she could rule over the WWE like an epic evil queen.



Photo: WWE
Photo: WWE

You’ve probably noticed this if you’ve ever watched an Asuka match before, but Asuka is freaking crazy. You’ve also probably noticed that crazy attracts crazy and crazy is the kind of thing that The Wyatt Family likes.

Asuka has been tearing it up down in NXT and sooner or later she’s going to have to join the main roster. If she debuted as the first female member of The Wyatt Family that would get people talking right away. The best part is, Asuka really wouldn’t need to change much about herself if she joined The Wyatt Family because she’s already terrifying in her own beautiful way.


Vince McMahon

gif via: neogaf
gif via: neogaf

“It was me all along!”

Come on, don’t even act like you wouldn’t pop for this.


Who would you like to see step into the role of Sister Abigail if WWE ever decides to make her an on screen character? Sound off in the comments below.


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