5 Former WWE Wrestlers That The Company Desperately Needs Right Now


It’s painful to say this, but WWE’s ratings are in the toilet right now. They recently hit a new record low as far as the ratings are concerned and things aren’t looking good. WWE loves to try and draw in the “casual fan” (is that even really a thing in 2015?). But they don’t seem to be all that concerned with the fans that will “tune in no matter what.”

It’s true, the hardcore wrestling fans will tune in matter what. Despite the fact that we might complain about the show when it’s not that good, we’re still there. Though the recent ratings might be an indication that even hardcore wrestling fans are finally tuning out.

Wrestling fans are cool with WWE Superstars, but we want to see wrestlers. The names below are 5 wrestlers that we think might pique the interest of the fans should WWE ever get the opportunity to bring them back.


#5 – Drew Galloway

Drew McIntyre Shock Return

Drew Galloway was once known as Drew McIntyre in WWE and to take that one step further, the company was at one time billing him as Vince McMahon’s “Chosen One.” Although that billing may have rubbed fans the wrong way at first, it’s not hard to see why WWE thought so highly of him.

After a run with 3MB, Galloway was released from the company and since then he’s been touring the world proving his worth. Drew Galloway has been without a doubt better on the independent scene (and with TNA) than he ever was in WWE. That’s not even an argument. On the independent scene Drew has been able to showcase his in ring skills and more importantly, he’s been able to showcase a charismatic personality.

Drew is only 30 years old and has many, many good years ahead of him. It remains to be seen if WWE will give him a second look, but they would be fools not to. If you’re not sold, check out the promo above.



#4 – Kurt Angle

Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle: WrestleMania XIX

Kurt Angle has said openly in interviews that he attempted to negotiate with WWE when his last TNA contract expired, but they weren’t willing to entertain the thought of signing the living legend. First of all, that’s just wrong. Kurt Angle is a living legend and although he may have had his own personal problems throughout his career, what wrestling legend hasn’t?

Angle can still very much “go” inside the ring and he’s proved himself very valuable in TNA. It’s baffling to think that WWE could give Brock Lesnar such a cushy part-time deal and they wouldn’t even entertain the same thought for Angle. The thought of Angle vs Bryan, Rollins, Owens, Rusev, Neville or Balor is enough to make wrestling fans foam at the mouth.

WWE doesn’t seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel right now in regards to another run for Kurt Angle within the company. But wrestling fans see it as a must and in this case, what they see is completely legitimate. Angle has said that he’s taking a break from wrestling after his next TNA contract ends and that he won’t be pursuing a deal with WWE. Hopefully Kurt Angle’s absence from the world of professional wrestling is enough to make WWE pursue him this time around.



#3 – AJ Styles

Superstars you didn't know were in WWE! - 5 Things

Many wrestling fans might not know, but AJ Styles did have a run in WWE although it was nothing to write home about. Fast forward to 2015 and Styles is one of the most respected names in professional wrestling. Fans often compare him to this generation’s version of Sting and it’s not hard to see why. Styles has had a more than respectable run just about everywhere but WWE.

If you want to believe the rumors, the mill is saying that WWE is interested in signing Styles when his NJPW contract is up. Styles has made it clear that if he were to sign with the company, the money would have to be right, and you really can’t blame him, he deserves the right dollar amount.

NXT is a very big deal within the WWE landscape at the moment. What was once a developmental territory has become a proving ground for the world’s best wrestlers. Make no mistake about it, AJ Styles is the best of the best.

Should AJ Styles become a free agent in the future, WWE would be fools not to make him an offer he can’t refuse. At 38 years old AJ Styles still has a lot left in the tank and although Styles has said he’s thinking about retiring when he turns 42, we’re willing to bet a decent offer from WWE would keep him in the game much longer.



#2 – Jeff Hardy

FULL-LENGTH MATCH - Raw - RVD vs. Jeff Hardy - Title vs. Title Ladder Match

Jeff Hardy hasn’t been shy about the fact that he’s open to a WWE return. TNA has been very kind to Jeff, but WWE is his home. Before he left Jeff had come closer to dethroning John Cena as the face of the company than any other wrestler before him. Fans loved him, he put on awesome matches and he fit the company agenda.

The WWE schedule is certainly grueling and it’s not hard to see why Jeff has favored TNA over the past few years. But it’s not at all hard to believe if Jeff Hardy returned to the company that made him a household name that they would treat him as the WWE Superstar that he truly is.

But it’s been years since Jeff Hardy has been part of such a large platform. With that being said, we read a lot of social media comments, and we’ll follow that up by saying, judging from the comments, WWE needs Jeff Hardy more than Jeff Hardy needs WWE.

Plus WWE has been mentioning both Matt and Jeff Hardy recently on social media, so it’s no secret that they want them back.



#1 – EC3


We’ve had our differences with Ethan Carter III on social media in the past. Admittedly we wrongfully wrote this talented performer off when he first debuted and we have never been so happy to be wrong. Ethan Carter III has taken every negative comment that was ever made about him, channeled it, and used it as fuel to prove that he’s not just a better performer than people originally thought he was, he’s far superior.

Say what you want about TNA, but EC3 is the reason to tune in right now. He doesn’t try to shy away from negative crowd reactions, he embraces them and uses them to his advantage. Being written off by WWE and other wrestling outlets has seemingly put a chip on his shoulder and it has also lit an enormous fire underneath his backside. The guys has shown time and time again the he has the “It Factor” and he’s not just the heel WWE needs, he’s the heel it deserves. At only 32 years old this man’s best years are certainly ahead of him.

It remains to be seen if WWE has eyes on him at the moment, but they would be fools if they didn’t. If he ever gets the chance to return to the world’s biggest platform for professional wrestling (oops sorry…sports entertainment) you can bet that he will prove anyone who originally doubted him dead wrong.


  1. Jeff Hardy has said he plans to end his career in WWE. I honestly wouldn’t be too shocked if he and Matt showed up on the next episode of Raw. WWE’s been mentioning them like crazy, and Matt did just relinquish the TNA World Heavyweight Championship two days after winning it. Something about that seems very odd to me.

    • I.believe the relinquishing was an actual storyline because they taped shows previous to the title change. But it would be cool to see team xtreme back!


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