TNA Introduces The Grand Championship On Impact, Details On The Rules

impact grand championship

Prior to Thursday’s episode of Impact Billy Corgan had been teasing that he was going to make an “evolutionary announcement” on the show.

Corgan came to the ring and said that the wrestling business is always evolving, but the one constant is gold. He announced that the TNA King of the Mountain Championship is now retired, and he revealed a new belt called the TNA Grand Championship. Billy said that he hopes the title will represent an evolution in pro-wrestling for years to come.

The title will have an interesting set of rules. Grand Championship matches will call for competitors to face off in bouts consisting of three rounds, that will last three minutes each. The rounds will then be scored by three judges using a 10 point system. The matches can be won at any point via pinfall or submission. If the match goes all three rounds the judges will choose the winner.

Corgan announced that an eight man tournament will be held and the first ever champion will be crowned at Bound For Glory.

Drew Galloway and Aron Rex both interrupted the segment and Billy Corgan announced that they will both compete in the Impact Grand Championship tournament.


  1. It’s not UFC ffs. The title and it’s name sound ridiculous. Evolutionary my arse. Worst concept for a wrestling championship ever.


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