James Ellsworth On If WWE Will Be Bringing Him Back After His Title Match And More


WWE World Championship contender James Ellsworth recently spoke with CBS Sports about his big title match with AJ Styles and more. You can check out the full interview here along with some highlights below.

How he started working with WWE: “Years ago I went on WWE.com and kept on sending them my resume and my pictures and videos of matches. Finally, in 2014 they called me to be an extra talent. I got to be a rosebud with Adam Rose. Ever since then, every time they were 250 miles from where I live in Baltimore, they would contact me to be an enhancement talent for their shows.”

If WWE will be bringing him back after his title match: “I have an idea, but I don’t really know. I don’t think it will be the last you see of me, but I don’t know. They really keep me in the dark about everything until I get there at TV. I have a little hint that it might happen, but I really am 100 percent not sure.”

Which WWE star has been the most helpful: “That is definitely 100 percent Chris Jericho. The day after I did the match with Braun Strowman he contacted me on Twitter and wanted me on his podcast (Talk Is Jericho). I went in and did the podcast with him the next time I was at TV. Ever since then we text all the time. He gives me advice and helps me out. He’s just an outstanding human being.”



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