Heath Slater Released From WWE


Vince McMahon announced on a call earlier today that WWE employees would be furloughed, and that the company would also be cutting talent.

The company later posted an announcement stating that Drake Maverick, Curt Hawkins, Karl Anderson, Luke Gallows, Eric Young, EC3 and Lio Rush had all been released.

WWE has since updated the announcement to include Heath Slater, and the updated announcement reads as follows:

“WWE has come to terms on the release of Drake Maverick (James Curtin), Curt Hawkins (Brian Myers), Karl Anderson (Chad Allegra), Luke Gallows (Drew Hankinson), Heath Slater (Heath Miller), Eric Young (Jeremy Fritz), EC3 (Michael Hutter) and Lio Rush (Lionel Green). We wish them all the best in their future endeavors.”


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