Gail Kim Gives Her Thoughts On The Divas Revolution


Former WWE Diva and current TNA Knockout Gail Kim recently spoke to Scott Fishman for Channel Guide Mag and talked a little bit about the Divas Revolution. See what she had to say below.

“I made a comment on Twitter that we’ve been doing it all along, but that was not to bash any other company at all. I think it’s great what they’re doing. I’ve been waiting for them to do that for years now. I think it’s great. I think they have a really great group of talent, especially the girls that have come up through NXT. I wish Nattie was a part of it because I don’t see how see she can’t fit into the equation. She should have been in there from day one. They just have a really good core group of girls. I really like Sasha. I know she is a fan favorite.

“I just love what they’ve been doing. It’s so funny I saw a match I thought, ‘That’s so like TNA knockouts style.’ They are bringing it to another level, and I love it. I the saw Sasha and Bayley match. I just loved the psychology and the crowd was into it. It was great. Now I just feel they are doing it on the main stage. I think they really need storylines and characters. They can do what we’re doing. TNA is very good about pushing individual girls and letting them stand alone and develop their characters and stories that way. I think fans can connect on a deeper level. Just throwing three girls against three girls out there, it’s great they are giving them more time. Now they need to give them the storylines and so forth.”


  1. Gail talking nonsense as usual. “We did it first!” “Now they need characters!” What character do you have Gail? Can you cut a DECENT promo yet? No? Then sit down and shut up. TNA had Melissa, Ayako Hamada, Sarah Stock, Winter, Rain, Daffney and Tara. They fucked all of that up and now those women want nothing to do with the company. Look at how Nikki Roxx was treated. You want to stand up for that company Gail? Idiot.


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