WWE Superstar Explains Why He’s Wearing Face Paint Now


This week’s episode of WWE Monday Night Raw took place from San Jose, and the fans in attendance got to see a segment that the fans at home didn’t.

During a commercial break, Mojo Rawley made his way out into the arena, and Rawley explained why he’s been wearing face paint as of late while he insulted the city of San Jose.

“San Jose is what I refer to as a B-level city. While Mojo Rawley, I’m an A-level player. I’m an A-level because I have the strength to look upon myself in the mirror and master my reality. Which is why I wear this shattered glass war paint on my face, proudly.”

Do you like Mojo’s face paint? Sound off in the comments below.

Mojo Rawley berates San Jose during the commercial break: Raw Exclusive, June 10, 2019


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