WWE Stars Reveal The Most Extreme Thing They’ve Done, New Recruit On Expectations


– WWE Superstars discuss the most extreme thing they’ve ever done in the latest WWE Inbox, seen above.

– WWE’s website has a Q&A with new Performance Center recruit Peter Howard, a 24 year old from England who was a collegiate rugby standout-turned-discus champion. He commented on his expectations for NXT, WWE and the Performance Center:

“For myself, to work as hard as I always do in terms of task orientation, getting my head down, open eyes, open ears, stay humble, stay hungry and obviously take time to enjoy it as well. I don’t think it’s going to feel like a job because this is what I want to do. I want to entertain, I want to put smiles on people’s faces. NXT, obviously it’s the first big goal for me, getting some ring time there. I’m going to go all the way with this. Like all the guys they’re hiring. No one comes in to do half the job, you know what I mean? I’m just going to be patient, bide my time, work as hard as I can and hopefully one day, as everybody here wants, get that WrestleMania Moment.”


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