WWE Star Debuts New Look On Raw


Last week on WWE Monday Night Raw fans got to see AJ Styles and Omos defend the Raw Tag Team Titles against the team of Elias and Jaxson Ryker, and Ryker took the fall after Elias walked out on him.

After the match Elias was interviewed backstage, and he said that Jaxson Ryker had become unhinged. He then continued by saying that the thought of traveling with Jaxson Ryker when WWE starts touring again makes him sick, and that he didn’t want to be around him anymore.

This week Elias was cutting a promo in the middle of the ring, and he took several shots at Jaxson Ryker. While Elias was cutting his promo Ryker snuck up behind him, attacked him, then threw his guitar out of the ring. Ryker had a different look this week as he had much shorter hair.

Jaxson Ryker and Elias then faced off and Ryker dominated Elias for the majority of the match. Elias decided to retreat and Ryker picked up the victory by count out.


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