WWE Reportedly Talking About Turning John Cena Heel


When John Cena introduced his Doctor of Thuganomics character he walked and talked like a heel, but people started to enjoy the character, and before Cena knew it crowds across the country were cheering for him.

Related: John Cena On Why He Dropped The Doctor Of Thuganomics Gimmick, What Happened After SmackDown

Eventually John Cena dropped the Doctor of Thuganomics character, and he started taking a more straight-forward, good-guy approach when it came to his TV persona. That approach helped to catapult him to the top of the WWE, but for years now fans have been saying that Cena is stale, and that they want him to turn heel.

Well, according to Forbes, WWE is considering turning John Cena heel now more than ever. The report notes that ideas have been suggested that would see John Cena turn heel similar to how Hogan turned in the 90s, but so far, the ideas have been shot down by Vince McMahon.

Cena has been reliable acting as the “Face That Runs the Place” for years now, but many people, including John Cena himself, have brought up the subject of a possible heel turn.

When Cena appeared on a live WWE Network podcast hosted by Chris Jericho in 2015, he revealed that there was talk of turning him heel during his feud with The Rock. Cena told Jericho that although the idea was only brought up briefly, he hit the ground running.

According to John Cena he recorded new entrance music, and spent $5,000 on new ring gear, but had to cancel the order before the gear was made.

Of course the heel turn didn’t end up happening, but Cena has said that he’s ready to turn whenever WWE makes the call.

Saturday night during the WWE live event in Phoenix, AZ, Cena faced off against AJ Styles and Dean Ambrose in a triple threat match. That was his last match for a while, as Cena is now on hiatus from WWE while he takes some time off to film “American Grit” season 2.

There’s no denying that a Cena heel turn would shake up the landscape of WWE big time, and it would get a lot of people talking. Cena is obviously in a better position to put people over now, like we’ve seen him do with AJ Styles and Dean Ambrose.

Do you think John Cena should turn heel when he returns? Sound off in the comments below.


  1. I feel like he should it will bring more aggression I believe and he’ll power through the competition starting a new is needed

  2. The thing is we’ve never seen a real cena heel. I mean gritty real heat heel. I feel like if cena turns heel, it would blow hogans out of the water if done right. So many people love cena and if he just says screw them, id love it. I love any heel, and if the FACE that runs the place could be the HEEL that seals the deal and ties ric flair, that is something I’m completely behind.

    • At this point I’m really just curious to see what it would be like. John Cena has been a face for so long now that I can’t even imagine him as a heel. But I would definitely love to see something new and different from Cena. Bring on the heel turn!


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