Why WWE Needs Dean Ambrose Back


Ever since that fateful night when Seth Rollins introduced Dean Ambrose’s cranium to a pile of cinder blocks, Raw has seriously lacked any intrigue. You’ve been force fed the Bella Twins storyline, led to believe Cena has a shot to dethrone Brock Lesnar and two midcarders closing the go home Raw before Night of Champions.

There have been plenty of funny things going on like R Ziggler, Mizdow and the like but nothing truly captivating. WWE has seemingly barely crawling its way to Night of Champions.

Dean Ambrose brings everything that the WWE is lacking right now. The current storyline between Seth Rollins and himself has the kind of chemistry that we haven’t seen since those glory Attitude Era days. They are able to capture the audience during their hard-hitting in your face brawling battles in the squared circle and also keep us laughing with their backstage antics. “What? It’s for charity.”

Ambrose has the ability to be the anti-hero face that WWE hasn’t seen since the days of the beer chugging, finger flipping, bald headed redneck himself. Ambrose doesn’t go out of his way to please the WWE Universe but rather garners their respect with his “it factor” qualities. He’s not the most physically gifted performer the WWE has but he may just be their best overall performer. He plays a man who seemingly isn’t in control but when Ambrose is in the ring, he knows exactly what to do and knows the exact strings to pull to keep us on the edge of our seats.

Imagine the pop he will receive when he does make his return. WWE has a golden opportunity on their hands to build another big time main eventer. Ambrose doesn’t need to be in a title hunt to keep us intrigued in what he’s up to but picture this, down the road, a Shield member triple threat match for the biggest title in the game on the biggest stage of them all. It could be best for business.

WWE needs Dean Ambrose, which could possibly make him the most dangerous man on the roster.



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