WWE Monday Night Raw Results 7/15/2014


Raw opens up with John Cena making his way to the ring. The Raw main event is announced as Cena, Ambrose and Reigns will take on Kane, Orton, and Rollins.

Reigns gets in the ring and Cena introduces him since they are chanting his name. Cena says thanks for bailing him out last week. Ambrose comes onto the titantron. Ambrose says that he gets that they have some beef, but tonight is about fighting. Ambrose then gets attacked from behind by Orton, Rollins, and Kane. All three men take out Ambrose. Ambrose gets a chokeslam, and then asks if thats all they got. Rollins then hits the Peace of Mind, and then they walk away.

We return from commercial and are told that Dean Ambrose is being checked on and his status for the main event is uncertain.

We are told Bad News Barrett will be at Battleground to give the title to the winner of the battle royal.

Sheamus vs The Miz

Miz hits the snap DDT, but Sheamus kicks out at two. Miz then goes for a boot to the head, but Sheamus reverses it into the Irish Curse. Sheamus then goes for the Brogue Kick, but Miz moves out of the way and rolls up Sheamus for the 3 count!

Winner: The Miz

We go backstage with Orton and Kane. Orton says nothing will stop him from winning the championship on Sunday. Kane says that he may walk out with the titles. Triple H then walks in and says that they need to trust each other so the title can come back to the Authority. Stephanie then walks in and says how much she loves him.

Dolph Ziggler vs Fandango

Summer and Layla come out of no where and begin to dance on announcers table. Ziggler and Fandango are both distracted, but Ziggler gets the advantage with the Fame-Asser. Ziggler makes the cover and gets the 3 count.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Layla and Summer Rae begin to flirt with Dolph after the match, and Dolph leaves with both girls as Fandango watches on. We go to commercial.

The Uso’s are about to make an entrance, and the Wyatt’s attack from behind. Harper knocks one of the Uso’s out over the barrier, and then both Wyatt’s double team the other Uso in the ring. The Wyatt’s stand tall in the ring.

We return with Michael Cole in the ring introducing Lana and Rusev. He then introduces Swagger and Zeb. Cole says this is happening to try and ease the tension between the two countries. Lana calls Zeb and America stupid, and the crowd gets louder. Lana says that Russia will always be the peace and loving country. She then asks Zeb to admit its country mistakes.

Zeb challenges Lana and Rusev to a match at Battleground. Rusev accepts.

Alberto Del Rio vs Rob Van Dam

RVD hits a kick to the face, and then goes to the top. Del Rio gets his knees up, and then locks in the cross arm breaker. RVD has no choice but to tap out.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

Jericho will call out The Wyatt’s tonight. We go to commercial break.

We return with Nikki Bella in the ring. Stephanie then comes out. Stephanie announces that Nikki will be in another handicap match.

Cameron and Alicia Fox vs Nikki Bella

 Cameron is able to make a distraction, and Alicia capitalizes. Alicia makes the cover and gets the 3 count.

Winners: Cameron and Alicia Fox

We get a WWE2K15 trailer, that showcases Sting as the pre order bonus.

Big E vs Cesaro

 Big E catches Cesaro with the Big Ending for the 3 count!

Winner: Big E

Bray says that Jericho promised to save us, but he didn’t do a thing. Bray then asks if he is afraid of the dark, and the lights go out. The lights go back on and Harper and Rowan are in the ring. Jericho is able to escape, but Bray attacks him from behind. Bray then hits the Sister Abagail, and the Wyatt’s stand tall.

Eva Marie vs AJ Lee

 AJ catches Eva in the Black Widow, and Eva taps out.

Winner: AJ Lee

Bo Dallas vs The Great Khali

Bo hits a low dropkick, and he then hits the running Bo-dog on the outside. Khali can’t make the 10 count,  and Bo wins.

Winner: Bo Dallas

Renee Young introduces Ric Flair. Ric starts off saying he has had a lot of fun in Richmond. RReigns shakes Flair’s hand, and Flair walks to the ramp. Cena comes out and hands Flair the World Heavyweight Championship. Our main event is up next.

Roman Reigns and John Cena vs Randy Orton, Seth Rollins, and Kane

Cena and Rollins start the match off. Cena takes down Rollins, and Rollins tags in Orton. Orton then gets taken down, and Reigns begins his comeback on Orton, taking everyone out in the process. Reigns calls for the Spear, but Kane interferes. Kane and Orton beat down Reigns, with the ref causing a disqualification.

Winners: John Cena and Roman Reigns

All hell breaks loose, with Reigns accidentally spearing Cena. Everyone is knocked out but Kane and Orton, and Orton hits Kane with an RKO. Orton celebrates until Reigns hits him with a spear! Reigns stands tall over the 3 men as Raw concludes.



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