WWE Monday Night Raw Results 3/7/2016


Shane McMahon kicks off the show and cuts a promo. Vince interrupts and sends security after him. Shane beats up the security throws them out of the ring. His music hits and he taunts Vince

Kevin Owens vs Neville

Owens beats Neville with a roll up.

Winner: Kevin Owens

Owens beats him down after then Sami Zayn returns and makes the save. Zayn and Neville celebrate after throwing Owens out of the ring.


Summer Rae vs Brie Bella

Lana comes out and distracts Brie. Summer Rae gets the roll up for the win.

Winner: Summer Rae

After the match Lana hits Brie’s own Facebuster/X-Factor looking finisher on her.


Dolph Ziggler vs Rusev, King Barrett and Sheamus – Handicap Elimination Match

Dolph Ziggler eliminates King Barrett with a superkick. Rusev then kicks Ziggler in the head and Sheamus follows up with a Brogue Kick. Sheamus gets the three count.

Winners: Rusev and Sheamus


Naomi and Tamina vs Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch

Sasha hits the Backstabber on Naomi then rolls her over into the Banks Statement. Naomi taps out.

Winners: Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch


The New Day vs Chris Jericho and AJ Styles – Tag Team Title Match

Chris Jericho had Kofi in the Walls of Jericho and Big E threw Styles into the barricade on the outside of the ring. Big E hops up onto the ring apron and tags himself in. Jericho tries to get Big E in the Walls of Jericho but he reverses it. Jericho throws him into the corner then goes for the Codebreaker but Big E reverses it into the Big Ending for the win.

Winners: The New Day

After the match Chris Jericho hits the Codebreaker on AJ Styles.


Kalisto vs Tyler Breeze

Kalisto squashes Tyler Breeze with the Salida del Sol in no time at all.

Winner: Kalisto


Ryback vs Curtis Axel

Ryback hits Shellshocked for the win.

Winner: Ryback


Dean Ambrose vs Bray Wyatt

The Wyatt Family interferes causing a no contest. The Wyatts beat down Ambrose and Triple H comes out. Bray and Triple H have a stare down and The Wyatt Family leaves. Triple H the goes to attack Ambrose but Ambrose hits him with Dirty Deeds to end the show.


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