WWE Monday Night Raw Results 10/27/2014


The Authority opens up the show. Orton comes out to interrupt and makes a face turn when he hits Rollins with a RKO.

WWE Tag Team Title Match: Mark Henry and Big Show vs. Goldust and Stardust

Henry nails a World’s Strongest Slam on Show out of nowhere. Stardust covers for the win.

Winners: Goldust and Stardust

Henry turns on Show and hits three World’s Strongest Slams.

– Still to come, Cena vs. Rollins. We will also get an exclusive interview from Roman Reigns. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Renee Young catches up with Mark Henry. He says Big Show is jealous of him, always has and always will be.

Reigns cuts a promo via satellite.

WWE Divas Title Match: Alicia Fox vs. AJ Lee

Paige kicks Alicia in the back and screams at her to win. AJ takes advantage and gets the pin on Alicia.

Winner: AJ Lee

Triple H makes Team Cena vs Team Authority for Survivor Series.

– Still to come, Cena vs. Rollins. Back to commercial.

The Usos vs. Damien Sandow and The Miz
The Usos pull “twin magic” and Miz gets rolled up for the win.

Winners: The Usos

– After the match, Miz and Sandow throw a fit as The Usos make their exit.

– We see John Cena talking to Dolph Ziggler backstage, asking him to join Team Cena at Survivor Series.

Hogan promotes breast cancer awareness.

– Bo Dallas is backstage headed to the ring for an open challenge. We go to commercial.

Bo Dallas vs. Ryback

Ryback nails the Meathook clothesline and Shellshocked for the win.

Winner: Ryback

– After the match, Ryback gets a big pop and starts another big “feed me more” chant.

– We see Dean Ambrose backstage. Back to commercial.

Cesaro vs. Dean Ambrose

Ambrose beats up Cesaro then he calls out Wyatt. Wyatt and Ambrose cut a promo.

– The lights come back on and the announcers are talking. Still to come, Cena vs. Rollins in the main event. Cole talks about Team Cena vs. Team Authority at Survivor Series.

Nikki Bella vs. Naomi

Nikki hits the Rack Attack for the win.

Winner: Nikki Bella

– Still to come, Cena vs. Rollins. Also, Kane vs. Ziggler. Back to commercial.

Kane vs. Dolph Ziggler
Ziggler does a roll up for the win.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

After the match Kane and Rollins double team Ziggler. Cena makes the save.

Seth Rollins vs. John Cena

Cena blocks a Curb Stomp and locks in the STF. Rollins calls for help and Kane runs in.

Winner by DQ: John Cena

– After the bell, Rollins and Kane beat on Cena until Ziggler. The locker room comes out and Raw ends in a big brawl.


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