WWE Is Making The Right Moves With Big Cass While Enzo Is Away


The night after WrestleMania 32 WWE’s main roster got an injection of new blood and two of the new Superstars that debuted were Enzo Amore and Big Cass. The duo’s transition to the main roster was as smooth as butter and the fans welcomed them into their world with open arms. Enzo and Cass picked up some serious steam in the weeks after their debut and they managed to make their way into the finals of the WWE Tag Team Title tournament.

Enzo and Big Cass took on The Vaudevillains recently at Payback and the fans were hoping to see them vanquish their opponents so that they could move on to the New Day. But then something terrible happened. Enzo Amore slammed his head into the canvas and then he fell to the outside and stopped moving. It was later revealed that Enzo suffered a concussion and that he would be out of action for an unspecified amount of time.

Watching Enzo go down with an injury was rough for everybody, but the good news is, he’s a tough guy and he’s going to bounce back. But following the injury fans were disappointed because it looked like Enzo and Big Cass would be off TV for weeks to come. Unfortunately Enzo has indeed been absent and we’re all anxiously awaiting his return, but WWE has kept Big Cass in the spotlight while Enzo is away and it’s proved to be a smart move.

The night after Payback the New Day, the Vaudevillains and the Dudley Boyz were all cutting a promo on Raw when Enzo and Big Cass’ entrance music played. Cass then came out by himself to a big pop from the crowd. He got on the mic and he held his own as he ripped on his enemies. Enzo and Big Cass are a team through and through, but everyone noticed just how well Colin Cassidy was able to stand on his own.

This week’s episode of Raw kicked off with an episode of Chris Jericho’s Highlight Reel and Chris Jericho was greeted by an unexpected guest. Big Cass interrupted Jericho much to the delight of the crowd and he then made his way to the ring to stand face to face with the future WWE Hall of Famer.

Being featured in the opening segment of Raw must be intimidating for any Superstar and there’s no way that Cass wasn’t feeling the pressure, but he didn’t crack. WWE put Big Cass in the ring with Chris Jericho, one of the best talkers of all time and he managed to hold his own. Jericho and Big Cass were later booked for a main event match that unfortunately didn’t happen, but that’s a rant for another time.

The fact that WWE put Big Cass in the opening segment of the show and then booked him for the main event shows that they see something they like in him. One quick look at Big Cass and it’s not hard to see what it is that they like. As Enzo says, “He’s 7 ft tall and you can’t teach that.”

Big Cass is a massive dude and we all know how much WWE loves massive dudes. WWE likely has high hopes for Big Cass and Vince McMahon probably has dollar signs in his eyes when he looks at him. There’s no doubt that Big Cass has a lot of potential, but the key is to take it slow and figure out his strengths.

It’s a smart move to keep Big Cass on TV while Enzo is away and it’s an even smarter move to give him mic time. His recent mic work is helping him connect with the crowd in a way that he might not be able to in a tag team setting.

WWE is obviously going to want to exploit Big Cass at some point thanks to his size and looks. But they can’t make the same mistakes they did with Roman Reigns. WWE saw dollar signs when they looked at Roman Reigns, but unfortunately they didn’t take the time to prepare him for the push he’s received. Roman didn’t do much talking before his mega-push, and then suddenly once WWE pulled the trigger, Roman was talking all the time and it took WWE and Roman a long time to find his voice.

Roman Reigns has obviously been able to develop his skills over time, but if WWE has any interest at all in pushing Big Cass as a main eventer someday, they need to figure out his strengths as well as his weaknesses and that seems to be what they’re doing at the moment. WWE already has their hand selected main event star with Roman Reigns, so there’s no rush to build another one. With Big Cass they can take their time.

WWE could have easily kept Big Cass on the sidelines while Enzo Amore is away, but instead they’re giving him a chance to prove himself on a big stage. Big Cass has more than held up his end of the bargain so far and it should be interesting to see what they do with him over the next few weeks. Hopefully they continue to do what they’ve been doing because it’s working.


What do you guys think about Big Cass and the work he’s been doing over the past few weeks? Do you think he has a future as a singles competitor? Sound off in the comments below.


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