WWE Making Changes To Third Hour Of Raw?


It’s not big secret that WWE has been pushing PG content ever since they embraced the PG rating back in 2008 which means that blood isn’t something you see all that often on WWE programming.

Some fans have been calling for blood to return to WWE programming for some time and it looks like it could happen. During an interview with Lightshed Partners, Nick Khan was asked about blood possibly returning to WWE and he indicated that the third hour of Raw could become a little bit edgier in the future.

“Look, when we’re specifically talking about the 10 to 11 hour on RAW, we’re specifically talking to NBCU and ourselves about what we do what that moving forward. We ask, what do we do if we tweak this, that 10 to 11 hour, it is basic cable, it’s not broadcast, as you know. We think that NBCU would be supportive, but we’re not on a final conclusion on that.”

Recently Finn Balor was busted open the hard way during his Hell in a Cell match with Edge at WrestleMania 39 when he took a ladder to the face. Balor needed 14 staples to close the wound and Nick Khan noted that he watched the match up close.

“At that moment, I was very close to ringside and to see him take staples in the middle of the action and to jump up and take up the cage like that, it’s such a performance.”

Do you want to see blood return to WWE programming sound off in the comments below.

Edge vs. “The Demon” Finn Bálor - Hell in a Cell Match: WrestleMania 39 Sunday Highlights

H/T SEScoops.com