WWE Hall Of Famer On Steve Austin Being Bigger Than Hulk Hogan

steve austin

Over the course of professional wrestling history there have been many big names who have laced up the boots, but when it comes to Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan it’s often debated as to who was the bigger star.

WWE Hall of Famer Billy Gunn currently works for All Elite Wrestling, and he recently talked about what it was like to work with Steve Austin during The Attitude Era on the AEW Unrestricted podcast.

Gunn talked about what it was like to witness Austin’s popularity first hand, and he noted that Austin was on another level in terms of star power.

“We got caught in bear traps. We got caught in springs. We got stuff dumped on us. We got hooked up. Steve had the ultimate character that had the ultimate bad guy, and he was smoking. To me, there’s nobody that’s ever been as hot as he was. No offense to Hogan. Hogan had a longer lifespan here and did certain things but just as a person that was over super fast, Steve was it. We’ve had some greats, and it’s not taking away [anything] from them, but Austin was another level because he played the part.”

“He was the perfect guy. He’s that guy, and he had the perfect villain in that guy that everybody hated. And there’s not a person on planet Earth at that time that could not connect with him. That’s what it was. It was just a connection that was so strong. As much as you didn’t want to get into it, you couldn’t help it because Stone Cold Steve Austin was the man. Like when you work him, that’s a whole other level too. You’re just so excited and so happy because you don’t really have to do anything and that’s for people that know what I’m talking about. It’s cool. You get so much out of doing so little that’s called being over.”

Who do you think was bigger in their prime, Austin or Hogan? Sound off in the comments below.

H/T Wrestling Inc.


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