WWE Elimination Chamber: Nikki Bella vs. Natalya

nikki bella

Nikki Bella and Natayla’s rivalry has been wrought with jealousy from the Queen of Harts directed at Nikki due to her success and her famous boyfriend, John Cena. Nikki’s been kept off of television recently because her neck isn’t 100%, therefore they’ve been masking her inability to work matches by hyping this match with promos and backstage segments. But, it looks like the blow-off match of this feud was set for Elimination Chamber and these two have certainly thrown a fair share of verbal and physical missiles at each other during the course of this rivalry.

Nikki came to the ring wearing colors that looked like they came straight from a John Cena color pallet. Natayla was wearing her own version of what a sexually shy Canadian dominatrix would wear to a fetish party.

Nattie started the match off by mocking Nikki with a “You Can’t See Me” gesture and took it to the mat with a headlock that Nikki countered with leg scissors. The two traded holds for a moment longer and Nikki gained the advantage with an armbar.

Nattie slammed Nikki to the mat with a waist lock takedown and kicked her for good measure. These two looked like they were working light, and this might be because Nikki can’t do everything that she used to be able to do. Besides, she’s still got to start a program for Mania so one might assume that she’s just biding time until them. Suddenly Nikki hit Nattie with a clothesline off the apron and shattered that thought.

Nattie got back in the ring and gained the advantage on Nikki with a snap suplex and Bella crawled to the corner as Nattie took a mocking bow. Nikki didn’t bounce back though, and instead took some boots to the midsection. Nattie kept up the assault on Nikki and locked in a headlock, when Nikki got to her feet she was leveled by a clothesline from Nattie.

Natalya kept doing the “You Can’t See Me” thing throughout the whole match and after a while it kind of got old, we get it — Nikki is John Cena’s girlfriend.

The camera got a tight shot of Momma and Brother Bella just as Nikki slapped an STF on Nattie and rallied for control of the match. Nattie hit a Michinoku driver on Nikki, but Bella didn’t lay down for the pin attempt.

Bella got Nattie up for the Rack Attack 2.0 (because she can’t do the OG Rack Attack anymore due to injury), but Nattie blocked it. Nattie still ended up taking a nice looking spinebuster for her troubles.

Nikki looked like she was trying to put a bow on this match, she hit Nattie with an enziguri and got a two-count. Then Nikki made her way to the top rope, but she ended up taking a superplex from Nattie, not a good idea if you’re trying to keep your neck healthy.

Nattie locked in the Sharpshooter, but Nikki countered it into an STF looking move (Fearless Lock?). Nattie tried to crawl to the ropes and was successful. Then the two women made their way to the outside of the ring. The referee kept on counting and reached his 10-count before either woman could make back into the ring.

A count out ending does not make for a blow-off match. Nattie hit Nikki with a few cheap shots after the bell and ended up leaving. Nikki chased Nattie down, speared her on the ramp, and the two hit each other with some stiff shots before Nattie ran off.



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