Will Ospreay On His Match With Vader: “I’m Going To F**K Vader Up Big Time”


Will Ospreay recently spoke to The Tag Rope and Ospreay talked about his upcoming match with Vader and more. You can check out a few highlights along with a video clip below.

Why he has a problem with Vader: “I’ve got such a problem with the guy because he’s directed so much abuse at me, and the fact is now that he’s been called out about it, he’s saying, ‘Oh, Will Ospreay could be good, Will Ospreay could be this’. And it’s like, ‘No mate, you got caught out because everyone’s battering you’.

What’s going to happen during their match: “Here’s what’s going to happen. I am going to f–k Vader up big-time. It’s not even going to be a wrestling match; it’s going to be a fight. And I am going to embarrass him, I am going to outflip him, I am going to do everything that pisses him off and I’m going to show everybody why wrestling has evolved, and the evolution starts with me.”

Paul Heyman offering him a contract with EVOLVE: “It’s a very selfish thing I’m about to say, but I need to think about me. And not just the brand of Will Ospreay. I’ve had other offers come in and I’m just trying to swim in an ocean full of talent and trying to stay relevant and trying to keep doing what I do. It’s been an incredible journey and I want to keep it going, I want to help out, I want to do more things.”




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