Why Roman Reigns Won’t Be Joining His Former Shield Brothers For A Reunion

roman reigns

The Shield was once one of the most dominant and most popular stables in WWE, that was until Seth Rollins was given a much better offer by The Authority and decided to turn on Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose back in 2014.

Fast forward three years and all three former members of The Shield are former World Champions but whilst Rollins was considered to be the next star of the group when he joined forces with Triple H, it is Roman Reigns who has been thrust into the limelight as the next big face of the company.

Dean Ambrose and Rollins have managed to find their way back to each other in recent weeks as the fans have witnessed the former friends attempting to put aside their differences and build towards a Tag Team Championship match at SummerSlam in just under three weeks time.

Whilst the partial Shield reunion has been great viewing for many Ambrose and Rollins fans, it seems that WWE doesn’t have any plans to make it a full reunion as Reigns continues to climb towards the Universal Championship in one of the biggest main events SummerSlam has ever produced.

Corey Graves, JBL and Pete Rosenberg talked about The Shield situation on the recent episode of Bring It To The Table and the group seemed to agree that Reigns is becoming a flag bearer of the company and whilst he could still be seen as friends with Ambrose, it seems that tag team wrestling would be a step backwards for him right now.

Reigns may be booed out of the building on a weekly basis but that sells merchandise and it equals ticket sales and WWE will want Reigns to remain in that position in the company and not join back up with his former brothers.

There is always the chance of a triple threat Shield match for the Universal Championship in the near future, so at least Shield fans hopefully have something like that to look forward too.


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