Why Roman Reigns Beat Braun Strowman Clean At Fastlane

roman reigns

As we have previously reported, Roman Reigns is set to face off against The Undertaker at WrestleMania 33 and he’s expected to be the biggest heel that night in Orlando, regardless of whether or not WWE actually turns him.

Roman Reigns defeated Braun Strowman clean at Fastlane, and a lot of people were expecting The Undertaker to come down and make a run-in or at least an appearance via blue lights and smoke, but that didn’t happen either. According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, they didn’t go with the run-in or at least “smoke-in” option because the main event already had a similar ending booked with Chris Jericho getting involved in Goldberg’s Universal Title match against Kevin Owens.

The thinking was if they ended the match in a DQ, then people would have hated it. So, they decided to use the ending to build toward something else rather than squelch it there and neglect fans at Fastlane from getting an actual finish.

They wanted to give Roman Reigns a clean win over Braun Strowman so it would set Roman up for his win against Taker at WrestleMania. It is also thought that this match will set up Braun Strowman as a great opponent for Roman Reigns after Reigns is done feuding with The Undertaker and quite possibly Brock Lesnar.

Therefore, the next time these two meet down the line it could very well be for the WWE Universal Title.


    • Fans? The actually “fans” in the WWE Universe love Roman Reigns. The real fans do. The kids, soccer moms, teenage girls, women and all the men that aren’t consumed by overwhelming little boy jealousy of Roman Reigns.

      The only people that hate him and run their mouths are the immature little boys that think wrestling is real and get WAAAAAAAYY to caught up and emotional over the WWE.

      When it all comes down to it, which fan is the most important? It’s the kids. It’s always about the kids as it should be. Kids love Roman Reigns and John Cena. Deal with it and for crying out loud SHUT UP! Stop whining and move on because everyone that STILL complains about Roman and Cena…you look like an idiot.

        • The people that boo Roman and Cena are the same idiots that start CM Punk chants at events and on live TV. They are just really loud/drunk/obnoxious jerks that start fights in the parking lot. I’ve seen it. My husband and I can no longer take our kids to WWE shows because of the these punks.Grow up. Stop ruining WWE wrestling for the actual fans.

          • The problem is with wwe going on and catering to little kids made this product boring and dull.

            So pardon us if we want to boo Roman because he is built up like a Cena with out the mic skills and

            Obviously this is Vinces fault but since he is the one on ca!era he will catch the shit

          • If it’s dull and boring go watch something else. Kids are the most important living things on this planet. Yes, absolutely, cater to the kids. WWE is in the right. If you are a grown man and actually getting upset and angry over anything that has to do with professional wrestling, you need to grow up and think about your life. Go find something more productive to do with your time. Booing and talking shit about people that perform for kids is a dirt bag thing to do. It’s just plain mean to put down a childs hero right in front of them.

            You don’t like Roman’s “mic skills”. My son and daughter and all their friends do. Not gonna lie, I personally enjoy looking at Roman (Most women do). The man looks like a Greek god. He goes out there every night and does what he does for HIS fans. The WWE is all about money and they make their money from people like me and my husband that buy all their merchandise and tickets to all their shows for our kids. That means you lose, we win, deal with it! CHEERS!


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